Value Based Competition - Please read “Redefining Competition in Health Care,” by Michael Porter (Porter 2) The Harvard Business Review, June 2004 and “A Strategy for Health Care Reform – Toward a Value Based System,” by Michael Porter, (Porter 3) The New England Journal of Medicine, June 4, 2009, which describes another way to think about competition and strategy. This is state of the art theory, which is becoming practice. Since publishing his book on Value Based Competition, Redefining Health Care, in 2006, Professor Porter has taught his concepts to hospital CEOs, COOs, and CFOs at the Harvard Business School as a week long intensive seminar. Please also read the attached article, which is some of the criticisms related to Porter's concepts. Key Concepts from the articles are: Competing around medical condition, narrow or broad based strategies, scope/experience/quality outcomes are core principles that we will master.
Define these key concepts, in your own words (no quotes) in two sentences per concept.