Question: Valuation from Forecasting Abnormal Earnings Growth (Easy) An analyst presents you with the following pro forma (in millions of dollars). The pro forma gives her forecasts of earnings and dividends for 2013-2017. She asks you to value the 1,380 million shares outstanding at the end of2012. Use a required return for equity of 10 percent in your calculations.

a. Forecast growth rates for earnings and cum-dividend earnings for each year, 2014-2017.
b. Forecast abnormal earnings growth (in dollars) for each of the years 2014-2017.
c. Calculate the per-share value of the equity at the end of 2012 from this pro forma. Would you call this a abnormal earnings growth valuation?
d. What is the forward P/E ratio for this firm? What is the normal forward P/E?