Valuable constitutional role in relation to administration

Question1. To what extent does the Ombudsman fulfil a valuable constitutional role in relation to administration? What reforms, if any, would you advocate to his role?

Question2. Analyse the grounds of judicial review.

Question3. State whether an action for judicial review can be entertained after the prescribed delay. Justify your answer.

Question5. An application for judicial review involves a two- stage procedure. However the first stage can be considered to be more a barrier than a filter. Discuss.

Question6. The President of the Republic exercises his powers by three different modes. State the different modes, the applicable law and give examples to support your answer.

Question7. It is seriously arguable today that Parliament is sovereign to make or unmake any law. With reference to any Westminster Model parliamentary democracy, discuss this proposition. Give reasons for your answer from decided cases.

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Reference No:- TGS05682

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