The company is Applied Predictive Technologies .
Utilizing your comprehensive Security plan outline, develop a proposal for implementing IT Security Management. Upload the assignment in Microsoft Word format for grading.
Minimum word count 800 with three references APA format.
Applied Predictive Technologies: Comprehensive Security Outline
I. Introduction
(1) This will summarize the document and show the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front). All sections will include the four subsections under Asset Identification to allow for a complete breakout of each.
II. Proposal
III. Asset Identification
(1) Overview
(2) Scope
(3) Policy
(4) Enforcement
IV. Acceptable Use Policy
V. Confidential Data Policy
VI. Email Policy
VII. Mobile Device Policy
VIII. Incident Response Policy
IX. Network Security Policy
X. Password Policy
XI. Physical Security Policy
XII. Wireless Network and Guest Access Policy
XIII. Disaster Recovery
XIV. Business Continuity Planning
XV. Security Awareness Training