Utilizing your comprehensive security plan outline as a guide, develop the forensics and CSIRT plan strategy for the organization.
I. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Basic risk assessment
o Overview
o Identification of assets
o Identifying the types of threats and method of attack
IV. Proactive Security planning
o Overview and planning
o Development of security policies and controls
o Types of security policies
o Password policies and administrative responsibilities.
v. The floor plan of the target environment
o • A list of threats
o • A risk assessment for each threat
o • Current vulnerability gaps
Vi Emergency plan and disaster response for the following:
o Bomb threat
o Fire
vi. Backup and restore policies
vii. Technologies to keep the security plan working in the event of failure
• Monitor implementation
• Perform off-site data back-up and storage
• Back-up laptops and desktops
viii. Conclusion