
Utilize a writing style that is appropriate for a technical



This assignment is to gain a deeper understanding in a specific area of engineering management. It is to prepare aLiterature Review on the assigned topic (Managing research and development). The assignment must show a deep understanding, of the assigned topicand specific discipline, industry or other field of interest. It is essential that this review must address either management of technicalfunctions or management of broader functions in a high-technology enterprise.

Details of the assignment, the Literature Review must contain at least five references on the assigned topic:

• At least three references must be articles from peer-reviewed journals.

o "Peer-reviewed" means that the journal is classified as "Refereed" per Ulrich's directory.

- This is not the same as the designation "Reviewed" in Ulrich's directory.
- This is also not the same as the "Scholarly & Peer-Review" filter in the library's Search function.

o "Journal" means that the Serial Type is "Journal" per Ulrich's directory.

- Refer to the separately posted "Search Guidance" document for more information on Ulrich's directory.

• Do not cite Wikipedia as a reference. This will cost points.

• None of the references may be from the same source, e.g., you cannot have two references from the same journal.

• No class textbook may be used as a reference.

Assigned Topic:Managing research and development

A Literature Review:

In writing the literature review, the purpose is to convey to your reader what knowledge and ideas have beenestablished on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. As a piece of writing, the literature review must bedefined by a guiding concept .... It is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of summaries.1

Useful information on literature views includes:

• Engineering: The Literature Review Process
• Industrial Engineering: Literature Review
• Literature Reviews and Annotated Bibliographies

Evaluation Standards:

Content & Writing Style

General Studies requirement for "Literacy and Critical Inquiry," the abilityto communicate clearly through language is part of the grading criteria. this work will be evaluated based on the way it isorganize, demonstrate original thought, develop ideas, and apply critical thinking.

• Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

• Utilize a writing style that is appropriate for a technical paper. No first-person narratives!

• Write in your own words; do not simply "copy & paste" from your references. This is the #1 area for deductedpoints because of lack of original thought, not plagiarism. It is not sufficient to simply copy information from aweb site - you must provide context and interpretation.

• It is a must to cite sources of information in an appropriate format. This is the #2area for deducted points due to plagiarism - and this is also an Academic Integrity violation.

• Do not cite Wikipedia, or any other encyclopedia, as a reference.

• References and Further Reading and read the original material.

Format Requirements

• Native word format
• File format: Word document. Other file formats will not be graded.
• Put your name and a page number on every page
• Font requirements:

o Title in Times New Roman, size 14 pt, centered
o Text in Times New Roman, size 12 pt, left justified

• You must use the Chicago style Author-Date system for your citations and references. More information: ASULibraries - Citation Styles: Chicago, Purdue OWL, and Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide.

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Dissertation: Utilize a writing style that is appropriate for a technical
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