
Utilization of behavioral interview and assessment technique

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In the realm of healthcare, the utilization of behavioral interview and assessment techniques enhances the caliber of hired candidates. (Bailey et al., 2018) highlighted in the article titled "The Science of Talent Selection: Hiring Individuals with High Skills and Organizational Culture Fit" four optimal strategies for talent selection, which include employing behavioral-based interviewing, forming hiring teams, standardizing processes to ensure team alignment, and incorporating technology. Behavioral-based interviews evaluate a candidate's past job-related behavior, predicting their future conduct and competency for the job. Establishing a hiring team, standardizing processes, and including behavioral questions in interviews contribute to the hiring process by eliminating bias. The hiring team, composed of employees who perform the job daily, brings diverse perspectives and fosters a variety of views within the department. Technological tools facilitate improved hiring decisions by supporting behavioral assessments and pre-employment tests.

Engaging hiring teams communicates the value of each employee to the organization, granting employees a sense of involvement in team development. Involving peers in the interview process ensures that newly hired employees feel supported by the team that selected them. The recommended size for a hiring team is three to five interviewers, including knowledgeable peers. Although this process may take longer, it yields high-quality hiring decisions and greater staff buy-in for new employees. Many organizations prioritize person-organization (P-O) fit; assessing how well an employee's values and personality align with the organization. Since this alignment is intrinsic and cannot be taught, applicants often adjust their behaviors during the selection process to appear compatible with the organization's culture (Roulin & Krings, 2020). In essence, many applicants engage in a degree of pretense to secure employment. Roulin & Krings' (2020) research indicated that although faking to enhance P-O fit exists, it is minimal, as applicants generally choose organizations that already align with their values. Human resource testing aims to counteract applicants faking personality traits by incorporating personality tests that predict job performance.

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Reference No:- TGS03416589

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