
Using yourself or someone you know describe a time when a

Test 1 Com 337 Fall 2016

Each question is worth 10 pts and consists of a part "a" and "b", which are worth 5 points each. You can pick 5 of the 7 questions to answer, but you have to answer both parts of each question you pick (no choosing "a" from one and "b" from another and treating it as 1 full question). As a bonus, you may choose to answer an "a" or "b" from the 2 questions you left blank. Those points would be added to your score, so though the test is worth 50 points, you can earn up to 55.

Make sure to answer the questions using key theory terms. Remember, your goal for each answer is to demonstrate that you understand the theory. Do not use examples used in class or discussion. Feel free to study together, make sure the answers you submit are yours.

1) Agenda Setting and Framing

a) What does Agenda Setting predict about the relationship between mass media and the public? Explain what "need for orientation" is, and how it relates to the theory overall.

b) Pick a news story that has gotten a lot of attention during the semester. Identify 2 frames associated with coverage about this issue. Explain what the frames are, and provide a link to a story as example for each. Explain why the link is an example of the frame you described.

2) Media Uses and Gratifications

a) Explain what the term "active audience" means and the implications it has when trying to understand how the media affects individuals. Define "selective exposure" and how it may affect need gratification.

b) Pick 4 of the 5 "needs" the media may fulfill. Define them, and for each give an example (from your own life) of using the media to meet those needs.

3) Media Dependency

a) Describe a person that has high levels of media dependency. Tell me about their media usage (give me their viewing behavior). Explain what factors have caused this dependency.

b) Using yourself (or someone you know) describe a time when a specific interaction with the media led to cognitive, affective, and behavioral effects (this can be a movie, an episode or series of a show, or news coverage of an issue/event). Your answer must cover all 3. Make sure to give enough context and to give a specific example for each.

4) Cultivation

a) In your own words, how does a person become "cultivated", and what does that mean? Make sure to discuss mainstreaming and resonance.

b) Think of a person you know that has attitudes or beliefs that are erroneous, and you believe these attitudes were formed due to cultivation. What are these attitudes, and give specific examples of what shows caused them.

5) Diffusion of Innovations

a) What is the relationship between interpersonal communication and the mass media when it comes to the diffusion of innovations? Define laggards, and give an example of a laggard you know.

b) Pick an innovation that failed to successfully diffuse through American society (like Betamax losing to VHS, or LaserDisc). Using the 5 steps from the individual process of diffusion, explain the failure.

6) Social Penetration Theory

a) Define self-disclosure and reciprocity and explain how they affect the formation of relationships. Explain the "onion" metaphor.

b) Pick a movie or tv show. Using dialogue from the show or movie, show me two people that start as strangers (or enemies) that end as close friends (or romantic partners). Use the theory with the dialogue to explain how the relationship develops.

7) Social Exchange and Theory of Interdependence

a) How is Social Exchange Theory related to an economic perspective? What does it propose that we seek from our relationships? Give 3 examples each of relational rewards and costs.

b) Choose a relationship (either people you know, or learned about from the media) that featured a person who wasn't being treated fairly by his/her partner but chose to stay in the relationship anyway. Using the terms Comparison Level, Comparison Level of the Alternative, and Outcome, explain why that person stayed in a bad relationship. Then explain what changed (or would need to change) that enabled them to leave that relationship.

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Dissertation: Using yourself or someone you know describe a time when a
Reference No:- TGS01678031

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