1. Learning About Cookies as Spyware.
Research what kind of information cookies store.
Using WORD, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more describing cookies and the way they can invade privacy.
Safe Assign is software that verifies the originality of your work against on-line sources and other students.Note your Safe Assign score.
Continue submitting until your Safe Assign score is less than 25.
For your first written assignment, you have unlimited times to retry your assignment.
2. For Windows Users:
Using IPConfig
Open your command prompt or DOS prompt.
Type in ipconfig
Write down your computer's IP address, default gateway, and subnet mask.
For MAC users:
Using ifconfig
Open your terminal
Enter ifconfig
Write down your IP address and netmask number
For all users
Use ping to determine the ip address of www.nec.edu
Use ping to determine the ip address of www.ricksphp.com
3. Use a search engine to find the names of five different cyber viruses.
Using WORD, write a short paragraph on each.
Use your own words and do not copy the work of another student.