
Using word press create a home page for business or student

A) Using Word Press, Create a Home Page for a business, or student club, or nonprofit organization.

Include the following items on the page (be creative!):

The web assignment has to be on creating a web site for a business (either specified by the instructor or picked by the student) or organization (like a student club) and must consist of at least 5 web pages and must be an individual assignment.

At the minimum, students must demonstrate the following skills in building web site:

Layout: A very tight layout of the page(s) that makes excellent use of the space.

Look and Feel: A very professional looking site that should be clean with judicious use of images, headings and fonts. Text and background color should be chosen in a way so that content can be clearly read or seen.

Correctness: All images should display properly, there should not be any broken links and the text should be clear and well written.

Content Selection: The web site should contain descriptive information and content that has to be original, and must be relevant to the theme of the business being represented by the web site.

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: Using word press create a home page for business or student
Reference No:- TGS02522279

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