
Using what you learned during lecture

Initial Post (800-1000 words): Lecture1:outlined the benefits and drawbacks of using ideologies to understand the world. During Lecture2 we explored the Democratic Ideal.

Using what you learned during those lectures (and to a lesser degree, your Ball & Dagger text), compose an initial post that stakes out a position on the following question:

"Can democracy work, and if so, how can We the People use of ideological 'rules of thumb' productively as we govern ourselves? If you don't think an acceptable form of democratic governance is possible, explain why, and tell us whether the danger of 'ideological thinking' (or true believership) has anything to do with your answer."

As you construct your initial post make sure you begin your essay with a strong thesis statement that stakes out the positions you wish to articulate relative to all aspects of my writing prompt in a clear and concise manner, and make sure that you rely heavily on the materials I've required relative to this topic (you're welcome to draw from other outside materials, but you need to demonstrate that you've understood and thought about the materials I provided in the course schedule). Underline your thesis statement so it is easy to find.

Constructing a powerful thesis may be difficult, and it will likely take a number of rounds of revision to perfect as you figure out what exactly your own main points are, but it is essential to a strong piece of writing of this size and type. If you need help with your thesis, check the link on that topic I've provided in the Discussion Board Instructions.

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Reference No:- TGS0529392

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