
Using what you learned about paraphrasing this week create

Question: This week, the readings and discussion talked about paraphrasing. Therefore, for this journal entry, you will be practicing this skill. Please note that you do not have to have the 250 minimum word count for this journal, as I know you will just be paraphrasing, and it should be fairly short.


Directions: Using what you learned about paraphrasing this week, create paraphrased versions of the following passages. The original passages define the terms ethics and ethnocentrism, so your paraphrased versions should include these as keywords (along with any other words that you decide are keywords) Remember to include citations where you think citations are necessary.

Passage 1: "Each of us has a personal code of ethics, or system of moral principles, that might go beyond legal rules to tell us how to act when the law is silent. Our ethics represent our personal belief about whether something is right or wrong. We begin to form our ethical standards as children as a result of our perceptions about the behavior of our parents, other adults, and our peer groups."

(passage taken from: Contemporary Business Communication by Scott Ober, Published in 2009, page 54)

Passage 2: "When we talk about culture, we mean the customary traits, attitudes, and behaviors of a group of people. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own cultural group is superior. Such an attitude hinders communication, understanding, and goodwill between trading partners. An attitude of arrogance is not only counterproductive but also unrealistic."

(passage taken from: Contemporary Business Communication by Scott Ober, Published in 2009, page 45)

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Computer Engineering: Using what you learned about paraphrasing this week create
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