
Using what you have learned about the business applications

Using what you have learned about the business applications of wireless networks and the benefits of the mobility that it allows, develop a completely mobile and wireless class for the future.  Take into consideration the following:

  • How would lectures be given?
  • How would questions be asked and answered?
  • How would assignments be given and collected?
  • How would group projects be performed?
  • How would exams be administered?
  • Would this type of class be better or worse than a traditional class?

TIP:  Think broader than what a traditional online course is now. Refer to the below website for additional insight into the mobile/wireless class.

Useful Article: https://er.educause.edu/articles/2015/6/students-mobile-learning-practices-in-higher-education-a-multiyear-study

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Business Management: Using what you have learned about the business applications
Reference No:- TGS01701690

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This assignment is short and simple and helps in understanding the base rule which is how technology has grasped the daily life of each and every individual especially in terms of mobile and wireless connection. This paper tries to connect an comprehend an element of how the same is affecting the field of education .

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