Consider the running example of a social network, last shown in Fig. 10.23. Suppose we use one hash function h which maps each node (capital letter) to its ASCII code. Note that the ASCII code for A is 01000001, and the codes for B, C, . . . are sequential, 01000010, 01000011, . . . .
(a) Using this hash function, compute the values of R for each node and radius 1. What are the estimates of the sizes of each neighborhood? How do the estimates compare with reality?
(b) Next, compute the values of R for each node and radius 2. Again compute the estimates of neighborhood sizes and compare with reality.
(c) The diameter of the graph is 3. Compute the value of R and the size estimate for the set of reachable nodes for each of the nodes of the graph.
(d) Another hash function g is one plus the ASCII code for a letter. Repeat (a) through (c) for hash function g. Take the estimate of the size of a neighborhood to be the average of the estimates given by h and g. How close are these estimates?