Using these two articles write a 1-2 page paper discussing

Using these two articles write a 1-2 page paper discussing the Significance of Resistance to Change in terms of interprofessional leadership.

Literature Review: Article I

Catherine Coffey triangulates subsequent studies to conclude that due to the multi-dimensional challenges in the nursing environments, professionals, and the human support capital are predominantly resistant to change. In the past, health care reforms have focused on maintaining low inpatient index in the attempts to cut costs and treatment logistics.

Coffey identifies that due to the changes projected by the new reforms, the traditional training on nursing are ineffective, as most practitioners and caregivers are resistant to the new treatment structures.

Following the inefficacy, the author identifies the need to for the pediatric nurses and the social educator to train students on the inpatient procedures rather than the traditional inpatient settings. The model to increase the number of outpatients in the treatment facilities also follows the economic models that seek to reduce the cost of running local health care delivery systems(Coffey, 2011).

Best Practice

Change of the teaching models- The author of the article proposes that for the USA health sector to maintain its primary efficacy, there is the need to come up with new training models. The models will seek to increase effectiveness despite the paradigm shift.

Integrate Communities and the Institutions- Catherine suggests that the current opposition to the proposed changes and the low efficacy is a factor of poor integration of the institutions and the nursing training models. In the traditional training, most nurses focused on hospital conditions. The paradigm shift in the industry and the need to consider the economic models disorients most of the nurses. Therefore, a current alteration of the training model might increase the efficacy of the future practitioners.

Community-Based Internships- Catherine proposes that the educators spend more time teaching the nurses on the importance of having positive interactions with the base communication. She points out that, if the programs support hands-on experience even before graduation, then the nurses internationalize their role in the society. For instance, a nurse brought up in marginalized communities is likely to rely on intrinsic motivation, which increases his or her empathy and social integrations.

Application to Nursing

The researcher proposes multi-perceptive approaches to minimize the resistance to change. Due to the confounding variables that determine the success rate in the nursing field the approach is applicable for various advantages. Firstly, the plan will increase nurses' motivational level while working in the communities.

The integrated training programs will improve their social attachment, which is necessary for nursing. The multidisciplinary method of reducing resistance is also applicable in situations where one change might lead to a ripple effect(Coffey, 2011). Therefore, the implementing team uses the most appropriate approach in ensuring a successful transition.


Coffey, C. (2011). Faculty and Student Resistance to Change the Need for Home Health and

Other Nursing Community Leaders to Partner with Nurse Educators to Change Nursing Education. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 23(5), 381-382.

Literature Review Article II

Beyer, in his analysis, argues that the managerial aspects adopted by an institution could also contribute to the employees' reaction to the proposed changes. Firstly, employees react negatively due to lack of comprehension on the benefits associated with the changes. The author assumed that, in every organization, a pre-set environment supports communication across all levels.

Secondly, he believes that the resistance to change show by the employees is a multi-aspect condition and can be redirected using the right approaches (Beyers, 1998).. The author uses the qualitative study to identify the various aspects that determine the response of employees to their leaders.

These elements include personal needs, the impact of the changes, employees' feelings, and expected growth. Therefore, in change management, every stakeholder must identify the confounding variables that affect the success rate before the implementation phase.

Best Practices

Subjective Coaching- The researcher suggests that, in the case of managerial issues, the leaders should conduct primary coaching rather than focus on the immediate consequences of the action. For instance, if a nurse neglects his or her duty, the leaders should explain the long-term impacts of such a decision to the patients using subjective qualities such as pity, responsibility, and mutual respect.

In the end, the nurse is likely to develop an attachment to the patient despite the structural laws. In such a situation, the employee is likely to accept changes provided they increase the overall success of the treatment processes.

Team Building- The author also suggests that team building is likely to minimize resistance as most of the employees work in unison to achieve a specific goal. Moreover, teamwork leads to group decision making rather than individual victimizations. Therefore, the employees are likely to work without fear of victimization in case the proposed changes fail.

Application to Nursing

The proposed managerial approaches are likely to increase efficacy in the nursing field. Firstly, the active communication channels suggested by Beyers will lead to a smooth flow of information across all departments involved in the delivery of the health services(Beyers, 1998). Secondly, the subjective coaching will result in nurses' development as personal levels, which increases their ability to perform their duties.

Similarly, in management, effective team building skills increases the total output of an organization by reducing the human capital wastage created by internal group dynamics. In change management in nursing, the leaders should adopt a subjective model that supports the proposed objective changes(Beyers, 1998). Such integration would increase success by considering the human capital dynamics that might lead to challenges during implementation.


Beyers M. (1998). About Management Techniques. The American Organization of Nurse Executives. Nursing Management

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