1. The one-dimensional plane wall of Figure 3.1 is of thickness L = 75 mm and thermal conductivity k = 5 W/m · K. The fluid temperatures are Too,1 = 200°C and Too,2 = 100°C, respectively. Using the minimum and maximum typical values of the convection heat trans- fer coefficients listed in Table 1.1, determine the mini- mum and maximum steady-state heat fluxes through the wall for (i) free convection in gases, (ii) free con- vection in liquids, (iii) forced convection in gases, (iv) forced convection in liquids, and (v) convection with phase change.
2. Using the values of density for water in Table A.6, calculate the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient at 300 K from its definition, Equation 9.4, and compare your result with the tabulated value.