
Using the three intellectual property concerns that you

Question 1:

Identify at least three intellectual property concerns that the company has to address and categorize them in order of importance. The intellectual property concerns could include patents, trademarks, and copyrights, or focus on other issues. Be sure to explain how you determined the order of importance.

Using the three intellectual property concerns that you identified in the first part of this discussion,

determine which concerns can be addressed by processes internal to the firm and which must be handled by factors that are external to the firm (for example, laws, regulations, customer behavior, etc.).

Question 2:

The three intellectual property concerns of Facebook are copyrights, patents, and trademarks. According to the text copyrights are instruments of legal protection given to authors of original works of writing, art, musical composition, photography, and architectural design.

Facebook really has to stay on top of the copyrights to their computer program one slip and someone could steal their company's idea. According to the text patents are often a major asset bin high technology companies. Being awarded a broad patent is a major milestone in the development path of a start-up and is viewed positively by investors. According to the powerful trademarks with their associated brand recognition stimulate an association in the mind of the consumer affecting buying decisions between competing products and services.

All three intellectual property concerns can be handle by processes internal to the firm. For example, the human resource personal should keep up with all legal paperwork and legal issues. Human resource department is responsible for keeping up with the government regulation, standards and compatibilities, and timing issues of the copyrights, patents, and trademarks.

Question 3:

Based on the second e-Activity, describe the government action you chose that received wide publicity at the national, state, or local level in which government officials used public relations. Briefly explain the events, and delineate how public relations measures were used to influence public opinion about the events.


A government action that receives wide publicity at a national level is the United States policy on terrorism. Public relations measures are constantly being used to explain our stance on this issue.

This was made clear through media relations at the highest level of government on many occasions; once by the President after 9/11, starting the war in Iraq, and then by the next President during the bringing down of Bin Laden, and now by the President regarding ISIS. These events definitely influenced the public by informing them of developments and plans to fight terrorism, gaining the public's support, trust, and favor.

These were responses to major national security threats, and I feel they were necessary and valid. However, in general, the media coverage on terrorism these days is relentless, and while we all need to be informed, I feel that much of this coverage is actually harmful to our security as well informative. News spreads across the globe in an instant now, and these terrorist groups are retaliating to the publicity as well as attacks. I know you can't stop the press, I just hope that in the long run, it does more good than harm.

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Business Economics: Using the three intellectual property concerns that you
Reference No:- TGS01078931

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