
Using the technology integration matrix or thearizona

Using th eTechnology Integration Matrix, or theArizona Technology Integration Matrixchoose two different lessons for the grade level (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) you are becoming certified in. Follow the directions below and analyze each lesson using the following criteria. Complete the following below for each lesson you chose.

Lesson #1 - (copy and paste exact information and repeat for Lesson #2)

1. Genre (math, social studies, science, etc)
2. Grade Level
3. Link to the Lesson you chose and the Title (Copy the URL Address and paste it here)
4. Short overview of lesson - at least 4 sentences in your own words - Did they use a "hook" (anticipatory set)
5. Lesson objectives - were they clear? What were a few?
6. What did you observe in the video? Were kids engaged?
7. What level and characteristic was activity?
(Labels From outside edges of the matrix, example Entry/Active or Adaptation/Collaborative )
8.What technology did they use? (provide link to tool if applicable)
9. Is lesson age-appropriate? Why or why not?

REFLECTION: Answer the following questions in your own personal opinion for each lesson plan:

Was technology integration forced or seamless?
Does this lesson look difficult to replicate?
Would you be willing to try this in a classroom? Why or Why not?
Do you feel this was an accurate example of integrated technology?
What would you do differently?

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Computer Graphics: Using the technology integration matrix or thearizona
Reference No:- TGS0649217

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