Using the solution for write an expression for the h field

A source in the form of an electric surface current density sheet "J A/m" is placed on the plane. It is backed by a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) medium, referred to as medium 1, which resides in the half-space. Medium 2 resides in the half-space and has the parameters of vacuum.

a) Using the boundary condition for Htan at a PMC surface in the presence of the electric surface- current sheet Js, find the value of at where the "+" subscript indicates that from the right (medium 2).

b) Using the solution for , write an expression for the H field of the wave in medium 2, which is due to the surface-current source. Hint: Since the current-sheet source is independent of x and y, so will be the wave it generates - this is a plane wave propagating along +z.

c) Using the relation between the E and H field vectors of a plane wave, find the E field of the wave in medium 2.

d) Using the boundary condition for Etan, find the magnetic surface current Ms induced at the surface of the PMC by the presence of the electric surface-current sheet Js. Hint: The electromagnetic field vanishes inside the PMC.

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Electrical Engineering: Using the solution for write an expression for the h field
Reference No:- TGS0615968

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