
Using the result from part a and your analysis in part b


The written assignment draws on case study discussion exercises. When preparing your assignment, please identify each answer clearly by question and its number.

Case Study: Texas Hold'em. You must calculate results by hand (though you may use any technology of your choice to verify your answers).

Case Study Discussion - TEXAM HOLD'EM

Texas hold'em and described the basic rules of the game. He we examine some of the simplest probabilities associated with the game.

Recall that, to begin, each player is dealt 2 cards face down, called "hole cards," from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. The best possible starting hand is two aces, referred to as "pocket aces."

a. The probability that you are dealt pocket aces is 1/221, or 0.00452 to three significant digits. If you studied either Sections 4.5 and 4.6 or Section 4.8, verify that probability.

b. Using the result from part (a), obtain the probability that you are dealt "pocket kings."

c. Using the result from part (a) and your analysis in part (b), find the probability that you are dealt a "pocket pair," that is, two cards of the same denomination.

Next recall that, after receiving your hole cards, there is betting round. Subsequently, 3 cards, called "the flop," are dealt face up in the center of the table. To do the remaining problems, you need to have studied either Sections 4.5 and 4.6 or Section 4.8. Assuming that you are dealt a pocket pair, determine the probability that the flop

d. contains at least 1 card of your denomination. (Hint: Complementation rule.)

e. gives you "trips," that is, contains exactly 1 card of your denomination and 2 other unpaired cards.

f. gives you "quads," that is, contains 2 cards of your denomination.

g. gives you a "boat," that is, contains 1 card of your denomination and 2 cards of another denomination.

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: Using the result from part a and your analysis in part b
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