1. Consider the circuit shown below

The transfer function for the above circuit Av(s) can be expressed in the following form
Av(s) = vo(s)/vi(s) = Av(REF)[N(s)/D(s)]
Assume that the reference state for each capacitor is an open circuit.
Using the n Extra Element Theorem (nEET), derive an expression for the transfer function AV(S)
2 . Consider the circuit shown below

The transfer function for the above circuit Av(S) can be expressed in the following form
Av(s) = vo/vi = Av(REF)[N(s)/D(s)]
Assume that the reference state for each capacitor is an open circuit.
Using the n Extra Element Theorem (nEET), derive an expression for the transfer function
3. Consider the circuit shown below.

The transfer function for the above circuit Av(s) can be expressed in the following form
Av(s) = vo(s)/vi(s) = Av(REF)[N(s)/D(s)]
Assume that the reference state for each inductor is an open circuit.
Using the n Extra Element Theorem (nEET), derive an expression for the transfer function