
Using the knowledge that you have gained through in-class

Using the knowledge that you have gained through in-class discussions, readings from the text, and viewings of films and film clips - choose one 20th or 21st century filmmaker excluding actors (i.e. director, cinematographer, editor, sound designer, costume designer, etc.) that you feel has had a major impact on the art of filmmaking.

Write a five-paragraph essay (3 page MAXIMUM) that briefly but concisely addresses this person's:

  • Background and rise within the industry
  • How and why he/she has had a major impact
  • What film, you feel, represents his/her greatest contribution and why.

Introductory paragraph - Introduce the subject of your essay and three areas that you plan to address in the body of your essay.

3 body paragraphs - Each paragraph should be devoted to and clearly articulate the 3 different aspects of the subject's career that are outlined in your introduction.

Conclusion - Should be a summation of the power and influence that this person has had in the film industry and a reflection about the reason this individual's work has had an effect on you personally.

Format: 12-point Arial font - Typed and Double-spaced (MS Word or PDF file)

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Term Paper: Using the knowledge that you have gained through in-class
Reference No:- TGS01497524

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