
Using the information youve collected so far comment on the

Name of Company and Ticker Symbol: MACY'S INC (NYSE:M)

10-K Report: Paste the direct URL to the company’s most recent 10-K Report

Company Website: Paste the URL to the company’s website

Company Business Model: This section should address the following:

Segment Data: Use the bulleted format to list the company's segments/product lines and hte percent that each segment contributes to sales/revenues. Segment data should be reported in percentage terms. Note: You may need to convert dollar data to percentages. Remember to check that the percentage for all segments combined is 100 percent.

Review of Significant Events: List key events from the last five years, such as acquisitions, divestitures, new products and/or markets, and changes in management. Look for a timeline or history on the company's website to get started.

Evaluation: Using the information you've collected so far, comment on the company's business model. Identify and discus any strengths and/or concerns.

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Financial Management: Using the information youve collected so far comment on the
Reference No:- TGS02744221

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