Using the information provided, calculate this firm's ROA, ROE, gross profit margin, and quick ratio. If this firm's WACC is 6.6% and the average firm in its industry has an ROA of 8%, is this firm earning above or below normal economic performance and above or below average accounting performance?
Net sales 6,134
Cost of goods sold (4,438)
Selling, general admin expenses (996)
Other current assets 0
Total current assets 3,927
Gross properties, plant, and equipment 729
Retained earnings 0
Common stock 3,104
Other liabilities 0
Total Liabilities and equity 5,161
Operating Cash 3,226
Accounts receivable 681
Inventories 20
Long-term debt 300
Deferred Income taxes 208
Preferred stock 0
Provision for taxes (75)
Other income 245
Net income 554
Net other operating assets 916
Total assets 5,161
Net current liabilities 1,549
Other expenses (341)
Interest Income 72
Interest Expense (47)
Accumulated depreciation (411)
Book value of fixed assets 318
Goodwill 0