Using the information in question 1 according to capm what

A different analyst uses a two–factor APT model to evaluate expected returns and risk. The risk premiums on the factor 1 and factor 2 portfolios are 3.25% and 2.48%, respectively, while the risk–free rate of return remains at 2.00%. According to this APT analyst, your portfolio formed in question 2 has a beta on factor 1 of 3.95 and a beta on factor 2 of 3.25. According to APT, what is the expected return on your portfolio if no arbitrage opportunities exist?

2. Stock A has a beta of 1.50 and a standard deviation of return of 32%. Stock B has a beta of 3.50 and a standard deviation of return of 58%. Assume that you form a portfolio that is 45% invested in Stock A and 55% invested in Stock B. Using the information in question 1, according to CAPM, what is the expected rate of return on your portfolio?

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Financial Management: Using the information in question 1 according to capm what
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