Using the following tables (primary keys are underlined), write the expressions that follow in SQL. STUDENT (StudentID, StudentName) FACULTY(FacultyID, FacultyName) COURSE(CourseID, CourseName) QUALIFIED(FacultyID, CourseID, DateQualified) SECTION(SectionID, CourseID) REGISTERED(StudentID, SectionID, Semester) 1. List the FacultyIDs of faculty who are qualified to teach ISM6216 and not ISM6220 (note: ISM6216 and ISM6423 are listed under CourseID) 2. List the FacultyIDs of faculty who are qualified to teach both ISM6216 and ISM6423. 3. List the StudentName of students along with CourseName of courses in which they are registered. 4. List the FacultyIDs of faculty who are not qualified to teach any course