
Using the following guidelines write a 3000-word paper


Using the following guidelines, write a 3,000-word paper comparing the (Wireless Devices and Applications - WDA ) business models used by Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T Wireless. Within your paper, compare the business models related to collection of revenues and provide similarities and differences among the service providers. Does the approach change depending on the WDA? Is the model consistent across the industry? How does the model change with third party applications from service provider-selected applications? You will have to do some research and I would recommend that you visit or call a marketing individual within each organization to help with your questions.


  • 11-point Times New Roman Font
  • One-inch margins
  • You may use the format listed below or one of the formats from the official style guides: Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook, 6th edition, by Anthony C. Winkler and Jo Ray McCuen, or The Business Student Writer's Manual and Guide to the Internet. Plan to use the Q & A Forum to post questions and solicit feedback.
  • Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University recommends all graduate students purchase and make use of the official style guide entitled, Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook, 6th edition, by Anthony C. Winkler and Jo Ray McCuen. This handbook includes information on the APA style. ISBN 1413001785. Students who have purchased the University's previous official style guide entitled, The Business Student Writer's Manual and Guide to the Internet, by Thomas P. Bergman, Stephen M. Garrison, and Gregory M. Scott, will NOT be required to purchase another style guide.

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Business Economics: Using the following guidelines write a 3000-word paper
Reference No:- TGS01383781

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