Question 1: Using the following expression, derive expressions for the electric and magnetic field intensities in terms of components of A→, that are TEM to the z-direction (TEMz):
E→ = - jωA→-j .1/(ωμε).∇(∇.A→)
Question 2: Determine the energy stored per unit length in the internal magnetic field of an infinitely long, straight wire of radius ‘a', carrying uniform current I.
Question 3: Show that under static conditions, following equation reduces to Ampere's circuital law:
∇2A→ = -μJ→+ με.(∂2 A→)/(∂t2)
Question 4. Show that the following equation becomes Faraday's law when we take the curl:
E→ = -∇V - (∂A→)/∂t