
Using the following data dictionary views

Using the following Data Dictionary views write the statements that will perform the following actions. Be sure to test your statements. (Do not use SELECT *)
Question SQL statement or Answer 
1. Determine what privileges your account has been granted through a role. (10 points)
select username, granted_role from user_role_privs
2. Determine what system privileges your account has been granted. (10 points) select * from user_sys_privs
3. Execute the following statement then determine what table privileges your account has been granted. (15 points)

Grant select on student to public;
select table_name, privilege from user_tab_privs;
4. Determine what system privileges the DVONLINE role has. (10 points) ROLE_SYS_PRVS
5. Analyze the following query and write a description of the output it produces. (15 points)

SELECT COUNT(DECODE(SIGN(total_capacity-20), -1, 1, 0, 1)) "<=20",
COUNT(DECODE(SIGN(total_capacity-21), 0, 1, -1, NULL,
DECODE(SIGN(total_capacity-30), -1, 1)))"21-30",
COUNT(DECODE(SIGN(total_capacity-30), 1, 1)) "31+"
(SELECT SUM(capacity) total_capacity, course_no
FROM section
GROUP BY course_no)
6. Determine the top three zip codes where most of the students live. Use an analytical function. The query will product 10 rows. (10 points)

Part 2 
Analyze the file from Doc Share called utlpwdmg.sql and analyze the code in this file. Write a paragraph that describes what the function performs. What are the inputs parameters, the output parameter and what does the function do? 

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Database Management System: Using the following data dictionary views
Reference No:- TGS086754

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