using the constructorthere are basically three

Using the Constructor

There are basically three ways of creating and initializing the object. The first way to call the constructor is explicitly as :

                                boxclass bigbox = boxclass ( 1,1,25,79);

This statement makes an object with the name bigbox and initializes the data members with the parameters passed to the constructor function. The above object can also be formed with an implicit call to the constructor :

                boxclass bigbox(1,1,25,79);

Both the statements given above are equivalent. Yet, another way of creating and initializing an object is by direct assignment of the data item to the object name. But, this approach works if there is only single data item in the class. This is obvious because we cannot allocate more than one value at a time to a variable.


                class counter


                   public :

                                                counter ( int c)   // constructor.


                                                                count = c;


                   private :

                                                int  count;





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C/C++ Programming: using the constructorthere are basically three
Reference No:- TGS0309382

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