
Using the assumed rate of inflation what is the annual


no of years after retirement is not given

Client Name Annie

Age 22

years until retirement 40 (Should use an even number)

years in retirement 28

inflation assumption .03

return during savings .11

return during retirement .08

current income 20,000

current retirement savings 2,000

annual contribution to retirement :

first half of years to retirement 10,000

second half of years to retirement 15,000

a) How much will your client have on day he/she retires?

B) How much will client be able to withdraw each year of retirement if he/she wants equal payments every year and wants to leave nothing to heirs?

C) Using the assumed rate of inflation, what is the annual amount drawn the first year, (solution b) worth today? Comment on your client's ability to live on this amount in retirement.

D) How much will client be able to withdraw each year of retirement, if client wants to leave an amount equal to 20% of starting amount on day retires (so 20% of part a), to heirs upon his death which he assumes will be the last day of his projected retirement?

E) Now create a worst case scenario for your client. You are now half way to saving for retirement: Assume the returns for the first half of the savings period are 2% less than assumed above, and the client only put away half of what was assumed. How much will the client have to now save per year to save to the original amount found in part a, assuming the rate goes back to the assumed return during savings?

F) If your client states that saving the amount calculated in part e is much too high an amount to save, comment what else your client could do.

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Financial Management: Using the assumed rate of inflation what is the annual
Reference No:- TGS02259647

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