
Using the articles you submitted through the bibliographic

Using the articles you submitted through the bibliographic database assignment write a 5 page synthesis of the information found in these articles.

Gorhan, M. F., Oncu, S., &Senturk, A. (2014). Tablets in education: Outcome expectancy and anxiety of middle school students. Educational Sciences: Theory And Practice, 14(6), 2259-2271.

Aksu, H. H. (2014). An evaluation into the views of candidate mathematics teachers over "Tablet Computers" to be applied in secondary schools.Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology - TOJET, 13(1), 47-55.

Fabian, K., & MacLean, D. (2014). Keep taking the tablets? Assessing the use of tablet devices in learning and teaching activities in the further education sector. Research In Learning Technology, 22(3), 1-15.

Hieb, J. L., & Ralston, P. S. (2010). Tablet PCs in engineering mathematics courses at the J.B. Speed School of Engineering.International Journal Of Mathematical Education In Science And Technology, 41(4), 487-500.

Parnell, W., & Bartlett, J. (2012).IDocument: How smartphones and tablets are changing documentation in preschool and primary classrooms. Young Children, 67(3), 50-57.

Cuhadar, C. (2014). Information technologies pre-service teachers' acceptance of tablet PCs as an innovative learning tool. Educational Sciences: Theory And Practice, 14(2), 741-753.

Savas, P. (2014). Tablet PCs as instructional tools in english as a foreign language education. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology - TOJET, 13(1), 217-222.

Mang, C. F., &Wardley, L. J. (2013). Student perceptions of using tablet technology in post-secondary classes. Canadian Journal Of Learning And Technology, 39(4), 65-78.

Couse, L. J., & Chen, D. W. (2010). A tablet computer for young children: Exploring its viability for early childhood education. Journal Of Research On Technology In Education, 43(1), 75-98.

Johnson, G. M. (2013). Using tablet computers with elementary school students with special needs: The practices and perceptions of special education teachers and teacher assistants. Canadian Journal Of Learning And Technology, 39(4), 35-50.

Tanner, P., Karas, C., & Schofield, D. (2014). Augmenting a child's reality: Using educational tablet technology. Journal of Information Technology Education, 13(1) 45-54.

Phiri, A. C., foko, T., &Mahwai, N. (2014). Evaluation of a pilot project on information and communication technology for rural education development: A cofimvaba case study on the educational use of tablets. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information And Communication Technology, 10(4), 60-79.

Shifflet, R., Toledo, C., & Mattoon, C. (2012). Touch tablet surprises: A preschool teacher's story. Young Children, 67(3), 36-41.
McManis, L. D., &Gunnewig, S. B. (2012). Finding the education in educational technology with early learners.Young Children, 67(3), 14-24.

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4/14/2016 3:23:54 AM

There as specified some reference which illustrate many articles such as: Using the articles you submitted through the bibliographic database assignment make a 5 page synthesis of the information found in such articles.