
Using schindlers list and the curious case of the dog in

Complete the following paper in a page or two, single-spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point. -spaced response to each of the following questions. Keep in one file (not separate files). Make sure to cite any sources. Use standard 1" margins and a font size no larger than 12 point and no smaller than 10 point.

Make sure to define each concept clearly using narratological theory as your starting point. Make sure to argue by ideas so your paper puts the fabulae in comparison with each other. Cite all sources, using parenthetical insertions. Provide one Works Cited page for the entire examination.

Part/Question #1 (Text):

Using Schindler's List and The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-time as your primary texts, explain how each creates a narrative position, uses description, and addresses non-narrative argument.

Part/Question #2 (Story):

Consider how Bal sets up a relationship among the aspects of time (ordering), character, space and focalization to establish the concept of memory. Using two of these story concepts (time, character, space and focalization) illustrate how "memory" functions as a crucial narrative device that is understood through these devices. Formulate a thesis on the purpose of "memory" to narrative. How does "ordering" impact memory? How does "perception" affect memory? Space? Character? Use Going after CacciatoMaus, and Memento to answer this question.

Part/Question #3 (Fabula):

Fictional fabulas are designed to move either towards improvement or deterioration through the process of possibility, event and result. All human narratives (in reality) fundamentally move towards death, as dispiriting as that reality may be. And yet, some might see that as an improvement rather than deterioration-those who see the death as a release or a step towards a better afterlife. How do readers navigate narratives that seem to complicate this basic feature of fabulas-narratives that either do not move one way or the other, remain static at one point, or narratives that complicate the meaning of deterioration/improvement. In other words, if fictional fabulas, as Bal argues, are structurally (in homology) similar to "real" fabulas and if fictional fabulas try to match the thematic movement towards death (as deterioration or improvement, depending upon perspective), then how do the texts that we have worked with attempt to match these features of "real" fabulas and where has their fictiveness emerged most visibly? Use Atonement, The God of Small Things,  and The Women Who walked in to Doors.

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