Question 1: Using research derived from social psychology on attitude change, try to convince a person of your choice(spouse,friend,etc.) Who is resistant to seek psychotherapy for a problem that has made that person dysfuncjtional.
Question2: A spanish philosoopher wrote: "people often see what they believe rather than believe what they see". Either support or refute this statement by utilizing research in social perception.
Question 3: using the concepts of cognitive dissonance theory select an attitude or belief that you might want to change in yourself and a design a procedure sto produce change in the desired direction ((for ampel: "something that costs more is better than the product that costs less"or (those that go to Ivy lewauge schools are always smarter than people who engage in online programs). One and a half sto two pages double spaced with at least THREE REFERENCES)
Question 4 : define self monitoring and provide an example of it. What are the advantages foe someone who scores very high on the dimensions of self monitoring and the advantages of someone who scores low? What are the disadvantages ? Go on line and find measures of self monitoring and test yourself and use the information from this in your answer. (Odne and a half to two pages in length, double spaed with at least FOUR REFERENCES).