
Using participant observation choose two specific learning

Below is a description of the assignment and instructions for completing it.

Using participant observation, choose two specific learning situations that can be observed during your daily activities, such as a parent teaching a child, a person watching TV, store or restaurant interactions, or on-the-job training. You must pick two different types of learning situations, and you must observe these during the assigned week.

Write up a detailed description of what you observed, and identify the components of culture being taught and/or learned. You should also detail the agent(s) and stage(s) of socialization and how these incidents support one of the theories of socialization developed by Jean Piaget, Carol Gilligan, George H. Mead, Lawrence Kohlberg, or Erik Erikson.

Please note: the completed assignment should be an essay and any references or citations should be in APA format.

NOTE TO TUTOR: I am willing to pay extra, up to a 50% tip, for this completed assignment IF it meets all requirements of the assignment and is ready to be submitted. Must pass plagiarism tool, and prefer it to be written by someone who speaks English as a first language!

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Science: Using participant observation choose two specific learning
Reference No:- TGS0954812

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