Question: (Identification of activities with particular governmental-type funds) Using only the governmental-type funds, indicate which would be used to record each of the following transactions and events: GF General Fund SRF Special Revenue Fund DSF Debt Service Fund CPF Capital Projects Fund PF Permanent Fund
___ 1. The city transferred cash to the fund used to accumulate resources to pay bond principal and interest.
___ 2. The city received its share of a state sales tax that is legally required to be used to finance library operations.
___ 3. The city sent property tax bills to homeowners to help pay for day-to-day operating costs.
___ 4. The city paid for five fire engines, using resources accumulated in a fund to pay for capital assets.
___ 5. The city received a grant from the state to build an addition to the city hall.
___ 6. The city received the proceeds of general obligation bonds to finance the construction of a new police station.
___ 7. The mayor was paid his monthly salary.
___ 8. Expenditures for the operation of the Police Department were recorded.
___ 9. Parks admissions fees, dedicated for use in day-to-day maintenance of the city park system, were collected.
___ 10. The city paid a contractor who had completed a report on the potential for improving police deployment as a way to reduce the crime rate.
___ 11. The city workers were paid their weekly salaries.
___ 12. The city retired some of its outstanding bonds, using money accumulated for that purpose.
___ 13. A federal grant was received to help pay for the cost of constructing the new city hall.
___ 14. The city received a donation from a taxpayer with the stipulation that it be invested and kept in perpetuity, so that the income from the investments could be used to buy library books.
___ 15. The city received income from the investments made in the previous activity.