
Using netbeans code the following java application and run

1. Using NetBeans, code the following Java application, and run it on Command prompt (Terminal If Linux) with the argument "notepad" (or "gedit" if Linux).

import java.io.*;

public class DSProcess


public static void main(String[] args) throw IOException

{ if (args.length! = 1) {

System.err.println('Usage: Java OSProcess "), System.exit(0):


// args(0) is the command that is run in a separate process

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args[0]);

Process process - pb.start();

// obtain the input stream

InputStream is - process.getInputStrean();

ImputStreamReader isr = new InputStreanReader(is);

Bufferedheader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

// reed the output of the process String line;

while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null)





Provide screen shots for,

- NetBeans code screen

- command prompt or terminal screen when you run the application.

You should run the application with the command;

Java -jar OSProcess. jar notepad


java -jar OSProcesa . jar gedit

2. Run the command puree on your Ubuntu virtual machine you have installed in Assignment 1. you should run the command on a terminal screen in Ubuntu. Provide screen shot of the full tree.

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JAVA Programming: Using netbeans code the following java application and run
Reference No:- TGS01206193

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