Using multiple examples from the course materials

Discussion Post: World History

1) A thesis statement, or argument, that is precise, contestable, and qualified;
2) Introduction and conclusion paragraphs;
3) A topic sentence, or sub-argument, for each body paragraph;
4) Examples from at least three of the civilizations that we have studied;
5) No fewer than five examples or pieces of evidence from the readings and media.

We call the period after c. 1500 the "modern era." What makes it modern? What is modernity? Using multiple examples from the course materials, assess what you conceive to be three defining characteristics of what it means to be modern. Remember that, it could be argued, modernity is in the eye of the beholder and culturally relative!

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Using multiple examples from the course materials
Reference No:- TGS03128804

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