Using motivation to improve performance


Using Motivation to Improve Performance

Motivation is a complex subject, but its understanding and application is central to the success of management and the organization. Imagine that the CEO of your organization (current or past) has tasked you with recommending actions to promote employee's involvement. This is a very important task. We recommend you start by drafting an outline of you potential ideas. Thereafter, you can explain in detail your proposal to the CEO. The outline should not be a reiteration of motivation theory, but should provide succinct points that cover the key topics of motivation and provides a road map that management can implement to improve motivation within the organization.

Write a four to five (4 to 5) pages paper in which you:

1. Create a one page outline in which you select topics and subtopics around your recommendations to improve the employee's involvement.

2. Explain three of the most critical topics you have included in your outline, and propose a potential course of implementation. (3-4 pages)

3. Use at least two quality academic resources you have located using the Strayer Library resources / databases in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource, and neither do web-based blogs.

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Business Management: Using motivation to improve performance
Reference No:- TGS01822799

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