
Using mathematical methods individual hand-in assume you

Using mathematical methods (Individual Hand-In) Assume you are asked to write a program for a computer that has 10 registers and contains a memory of 1000 words. Each register and memory location can hold a value of natural number >=0 and Instruction code Description1xx means halt execution. You can ignore the value of x2dn means value of register d = n3dn means value of register d = value of register d + n4dn means value of register d = value of register d * n5ds means value of register d = value of register d / n6ds means value of register d = value of register s7ds means value of register d = value of register d + value of register s8dxmeans value of register d = sqrt (value of register d). You can ignore the valueof x9ds means value of register d = (value of register d)0xxSystem cannot process any instruction that is in the form of ‘0xx'. Show anerror like following:Output: Instruction code ‘065' is not supported by the system.Each register is initialized to 000. The contents of the memory are taken from the input and executed one after another.The result is always saved in the reduced format using modulus of 1000.

To complete this Assignment: Input You need to take an input of all the instructions that user wants to execute.

Note: You can reduce the complexity of input by asking user to input a long string of instructions where each instruction isseparated by a single space. Your task is to read a string from the user, and repeatedly find a substring of 3 characters todecode and execute instruction until there is no other instruction to be processed.OutputFor the input string, you need to show each instruction being executed and values of all the register (0 to 9) afterexecution of that instruction.

Sample input and output:

Enter command: 275

Output: 1: 000, 2:000, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:005, 8:000, 9:000Enter command: 226
Output: 1: 000, 2:006, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:005, 8:000, 9:000Enter command: 373
Output: 1: 000, 2:006, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:008, 8:000, 9:000Enter command: 426
Output: 1: 000, 2:036, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:008, 8:000, 9:000Enter command: 692
Output: 1: 000, 2:036, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:008, 8:000, 9:036Enter command: 672
Output: 1: 000, 2:036, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:036, 8:000, 9:036Enter command: 100
Output: Program terminated.

Sample Input: input is in the form of one long stringEnter commands: 275 226 373 426 692 672 100

Sample Output:2751: 000, 2:000, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:005, 8:000, 9:0002261: 000, 2:006, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:005, 8:000, 9:0003731: 000, 2:006, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:008, 8:000, 9:0004261: 000, 2:036, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:008, 8:000, 9:0006921: 000, 2:036, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:008, 8:000, 9:0366721: 000, 2:036, 3:000, 4:000, 5:000, 6:000, 7:036, 8:000, 9:036100Program terminated.

Note: Take a look at substring() and indexOf() of String class to perform string processing in this programming question.

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Computer Engineering: Using mathematical methods individual hand-in assume you
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