Q1. (a) Show by direct evaluation that the eigenvectors of Pauli's σy matrix (in the representation of the eigenvectors |+) and |-) of σz)
is the y-component of the ½-spin operator in the same representation. That is, show, that |+y) and |-y) are eigenvectors of Sy with eigenvectors ± h/2.
(b) Give the numerical value of h/2 in J·s and in J·s/mol units, and (c) show that the SI units of position times linear momentum are also J·s.
Q2. Find the probability to measure Ss = + h/2 in:
(a) a ½-spin beam of particles polarized along the y direction with quantum state
|+y) = 1/√2 |+) + i/√2 |-)
and (b) in ½-spin beam of particles polarized in xz plane along an axis at an angle θ = 45o relative to the z-axis, with quantum state
|ψθ) = cos θ/2 |+) + sin θ/2 |-)
Express probabilities in percent units.
(c) Using linear algebra operations, find the expectation value of the spin along the z axis for the quantum state in (b)
(Sx)θ = (ψθ|Sx|ψθ)
Express the results in SI units.
(d) Confirm that the result in (c) is consistent with the weighted average of the spin up and spin down states along the z axis:
(Sx)θ = h/2 p+ + (-(h/2))p-
where p+ and p- are, respectively, the probabilities to measure Sx = + h/2 and Sz = - h/2 in the quantum state in (b).