
Using equilibrium with calcite and co2


KH = 3.3 x 10-7

Ka1 = 4.5 x 10-7 (carbonic acid)

Ka2 = 4.7 x 10-11 (bicarbonate)

Ksp = 5 x 10-9 (calcite)

Assuming equilibrium between the atmosphere, seawater, and calcite:

[H+]3 =                     KH2Ka12Ka2PCO22


[HCO3-] =                 2Ksp{H+]2


[CO32-] =               Ka1Ka2KHPCO2


[Ca2+] =                Ksp{H+]2


(a) Predict seawater pH, [CO32-], [Ca2+] at an atmospheric concentration of 280 ppmv. Predict seawater pH, [CO32-], [Ca2+] at an atmospheric concentration of 840 ppmv.

(b) How would these changes affect the tendency for calcite or aragonite to dissolve or precipitate from seawater? Explain how this affects the carbonate pump for removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

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Chemistry: Using equilibrium with calcite and co2
Reference No:- TGS01909755

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