
Using concept of taxation and the economics of federal

Using concept of taxation and the economics of federal investments. A field that is rather old than new has lately gained new attention: The universal basic income. Look at the following article with its related video ( https://fortune.com/2017/06/29/universal-basic-income-history/ ). Write a two-page paper on the analysis of this topic. In the paper tackle the question whether a federal basic income is a useful tool to address future problems.

Hint: Do not confuse basic income with minimum wage. Basic income means that everyone receives a regular, unconditional amount of money, independent of any other income, no strings attached.

There are different opinions on the matter and you are encouraged to explore alternate views. Use different sources and appropriate citation. Always make sure you reference any outside work you use in your paper.

  • Using outside references

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Business Management: Using concept of taxation and the economics of federal
Reference No:- TGS02518747

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