Using and explaining your own estimate for the population

1. A transportation company operates 200 trucks and would like to use a hidden speed monitor device to record the maximum speed at which a truck is operated during the period that the device is installed. The trucks are driven primarily on interstate highways, and the company wants to estimate the average maximum speed for its fleet with 90% confidence and within 2 miles per hour. Using (and explaining) your own estimate for the population standard deviation, determine the number of trucks on which the company should install the hidden speed-recording device.

2. A research firm supports a consumer panel of 2000 households that keep written diaries of  their weekly grocery expenditures. The firm would like to estimate, with 95% confidence and within 4 percentage points, the percentage of its panel households who would be interested in providing more extensive information in return for an extra $50 per week remuneration. How many of the households should be surveyed? Explain any assumptions you used in obtaining your recommended sample  size.

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Dissertation: Using and explaining your own estimate for the population
Reference No:- TGS01284005

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