Using an internet search tool find procter amp gamblersquos

Using an Internet search tool, find Procter & Gamble’s investor relations website.  Under “Financial Reporting,” you will find the company’s 2009 annual report.  In the annual report’s section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis,” you will find a discussion on revenue growth.  How fast did the company grow (or shrink) revenues in 2009?  How much is attributable to price, number of units sold, foreign currencies, and shift in the mix of products sold?  How does this compare to 2008 (which can also be found in the 2009 annual report)?  What would the growth have been on a “constant currency basis?”  Is the difference with and without currency meaningful?

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Financial Accounting: Using an internet search tool find procter amp gamblersquos
Reference No:- TGS01667191

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