Go to the Foundation Center Online. (For alternate search options, click the alternate search options link.)
- Click "Find Funders" near the top of the page.
- On the next page, click "Top Funders" in the left navigation bar.
- You may then click the names of various foundations to reach their Web sites. These sites indicate the types of grants each foundation funds. Target several foundations as possible donors.
- Using all the information you have found, complete a "Foundation Research Summary Form" for at least one of the foundations you have targeted as a possible donor. (You will find this worksheet on your course Web site in the "Forms, Examples, Resources" folder, as "Foundation_Res_Summ_12-2".) Submit the completed form to your mentor. Also, note the keywords you used in your foundation search.
- Review one or more of the following Web sites for possible federal government grant programs for your organization:
- The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
- Grants.gov
- U.S. General Services Administration
Prepare a one-page report of what you find. Be sure to include a list of the keywords used in your search.
Foundation Center Online ------> https://foundationcenter.org/
My Organization - Habitat For Humanity Burlington County ------> https://www.habitatbcnj.org/