Using all that you have learned thus far analyze how the

Using all that you have learned thus far, analyze how the imagery used in the following poems advances the themes of the poets and convey meaning:

- "The Times They Are a-Changin" by Bob Dylan

- "Bonny Barbara Allen " by Anonymous

- "Ex-Basketball Player" by John Updike

- "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes

- "Ballad of the Landlord"

- "Perfect Dress by Marisa de los Santos

- "Beat! Beat! Drums!" by Walt Whitman

- "Recuerdo" by Edna St. Vincent Milay

Write 3-4 paragraphs explaining how the poets use imagery to advance their themes and convey meaning about life.

- Support your position with evidence from the poems

- Provide cited evidence from the poems themselves.

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English: Using all that you have learned thus far analyze how the
Reference No:- TGS01189932

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