Write the given assignment:
a) Using a well labeled sketch explain the construction and principle of operation of a
• CRT display
b) Briefly explain the following three raster display technologies
1. Cathode ray tube (CRT) technology
2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology
3. Plasma technology
c) Clearly explain the difference between a vectors, scalar and points
a) Clearly explain the difference between Calligraphic and Raster display systems
b) Define the term clipping and explain how to achieve the following Point clipping and line clipping...
Point clipping:
Line clipping:
Clipping a point to a half-space
Clipping a line segment to a half-space
In question 2 it is all about UNIX commands
2. Describe the concept of Pipes and Filters
Using a Filter
Using a Pipe
All this questions add up to 200 points.