
Using a flowcharting tool of your choice build a flowchart

• Using a flowcharting tool of your choice, build a flowchart that models a complete Java program called PasswordChecker that gets a String from the user at the command line and checks whether the String, called password, conforms to the password policy. The flowchart should be sufficiently detailed and follow the standards we've showcased in our course. The password policy is: must be 3 characters in length; must include an uppercase character; and must include a digit. If the password conforms to the policy, output "Password is valid.", otherwise output "Password is invalid. Please try again". A loop is not needed for this program. Capture an image screenshot of your flowchart and paste it below this exercise.
• Build the equivalent complete Java program you flowcharted in the previous exercise. Be sure to research any methods you need more details on using the various resources discussed to date in our course (e.g. optional textbooks, "Lynda" videos). Paste your source code below this exercise.

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JAVA Programming: Using a flowcharting tool of your choice build a flowchart
Reference No:- TGS01487571

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