
Uses of super and this with respect to inheritance

Question 1)a) Write the difference between interface and a class?

b) Explain features of Java?

Question 2)a) What are the uses of super and this with respect to inheritance?

b) Describe life cycle of thread along with diagram?

Question 3)a) Describe how AWT helps GUI development?

b) List the methods of choice control? Also give the difference between choices and list?

Question 4)a) Give uses of following swing control:

i) Jtabbed Pane

ii) Jtable

iii) Jtree

iv) Jframe.

b) Describe Layout manager with example.

Question 5)a) Write the applet to draw square inside circle?

b) Write the steps involved in developing and running a local applet?

Question 6)a) Write a simple applet to draw rectangle which is filled with red color?

b) What is the difference an application and applet and give the ways to view an applet?

Question 7)a) Describe the concept of creation of ZIP file stream in JAVA?

b) What is exception handling? What are different types of exception which can be handled during input?

Question 8)a) Give the syntax and use of following method:

i) Get Name ( )

ii) Get Parent

iii) Get Path ( )

iv) Read Line ( ).

b) Write a program to perform following operation on student database using stream?

i) Creation.

ii) Updation

iii) Deletion.

Question 9)a) What are four driver available in JDBC? At what situation are four of the drivers used?

b) How will you perform truncation using JDBC?

Question 10)a) Compare JDBC and ODBC? How do you connect to the database?

b) What is the use of statement class and how to retrieve data from result set?

Question 11)a) What do you understand by Socket programming?

b) Describe the concept of proxy server?

Question 12)a) What are the difference between TCP/IP and OSI reference model?

b) Write the syntax of following methods of datagram packet class:

i) Getport ( )

ii) Getdata ( )

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JAVA Programming: Uses of super and this with respect to inheritance
Reference No:- TGS05581

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